Fall League

Fall Tournment 2024: October 5th. -The next 8on8 adult flag football Season in the JFFL will be the Winter League begins Saturday, December 7th. -If you don’t have a team or plan to start a team(with 7 other friends) and are a free agent player looking to get on a team, then you’re invited to come out to a JFFL practice and bring any interested friends, TBA  :   *Check this site for details about the Fall Tournament. *Times are TBA , if you can’t make it, but still want to play, let me know. *Positions are: OL, WR, QB, DL, LB, DB…always a premium for OL and DL. *If you do choose to play, cost for an individual is $30 Plus $5 League registration fee for the season .You’ll play as a Free Agent until a Manager signs you to his roster. Women are also welcomed to play in the league. If you were inquiring to bring a team out, then read the rest below and let me know (otherwise ignore it)…if you want to put a team together, but can’t get it done for the Fall League, then your next opportunity will be Winter League December 2nd, start organizing now, it’ll be here quicker than you think. -To enter a team: 1)Reserve a spot by informing me and let me know your team name and colors (unless undecided). 2)Attend the Saturday TBD , or send a team rep with the $450.00 fee for the season or a $100 deposit to reserve a spot and make payments to … Continue reading Fall League